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售價:899 |
產品說明重量:10G 商品簡介BIO-OIL百洛 護膚油 125ML+60ML使用方法:每日塗抹兩次,至少使用3個月。懷孕三個月後開始使用,每天兩次。商品規格【BIO-OIL百洛 專業護理油大加小限量組】BIO-OIL百洛 護理油 60MLBIO-OIL百洛 護理油 125ML注意事項注意事項 使用方式:請按照產品使用方法使用。有效期限:依包裝外盒所示。保存年限:5年。保存方法:本品請保持溫度25℃,請存放於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射及高溫。注意事項:避免誤食;不適時請停止使用,並尋求醫師的協助。 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. www.bio-oil.com Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. It is also effective for ageing and dehydrated skin. www.bio-oil.com/en-us Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. It is also effective for aging and dehydrated skin. Buy Bio-Oil 4.2 fl oz at Walmart.com ... About this item . Natural oils, vitamins and plant extracts combine to create Bio-Oil, a skincare oil that treats … www.bio-oilprofessional.co.uk Practical advice, training, information and downloadable resources for helping health care professionals discuss scarring and stretch marks (striae) with patients ... Bio-Oil is a specialist moisturizing oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, aging and dehydrated skin. Bio-Oil has won 126 ... Bio-Oil百洛 專業護理油大加小限量組 |
資料來源:博客來 |